Early RegistrationStudentnon-student
Late RegistrationStudentnon-student
Early RegistrationStudentnon-student
Late RegistrationStudentnon-student
Amounts are in US dollars.
"Member" means a member in good standing of APBioNet, JSBi or ISCB.

Registration will include one lunch and the conference dinner.
In case your organization requires a cost breakdown, the cost of lunch is 1000 Yen and the conference dinner is 6000 Yen.

Online Registration is now closed. If you have not registered but would like to attend the conference please register on site. Please note that we will only accept cash (in Japanese currency) payment for on site registration.

The following information applied until the online registration closed. I leave it here (grayed out) for reference only.

Payment via Japanese Domestic Bank Transfer (日本国内の銀行振込み)

Participants with Japanese bank account may pay via Payment via Japanese Domestic Bank Transfer (日本国内の銀行振込み). Like other participants, the first step of registration will be to register via the APBioNeT registration system. If you wish to pay via domestic bank transfer, please check the "Japanese domestic bank transfer (日本国内の銀行振込み)" box in the APBioNeT registration system. Then transfer the appropriate amount according to these instructions provided by the Keio travel agency which we contracted to help with the conference logistics:
振込先:三菱東京UFJ銀行 振込第一支店 当座預金 9530503 口座名 京王観光株式会社
なお、銀行振込で支払いを行う場合でもAPBioNeT Registration systemへの参加登録は必要です。
Again, this option is only for domestic transfer from a Japanese bank account. If you take this option, please transfer using Japanese currency according to the following amounts.