
GIW/ISCB-Asia 2023 へのアブストラクト投稿のお願い(締切8/15)


(アブストラクトの審査後に、Bioinformatics Advances等のジャーナル特別号向けのフルペーパーの投稿へと進みます)


The 32nd International Conference on Genome Informatics (GIW) and 6th ISCB-Asia Conference will be
held as a joint conference in Singapore during 18-21 November 2023. This conference will bring together
leading experts in computational biology, health informatics, and biomedical data science to discuss and
present the latest research in these areas. We welcome the submission of original work reporting on
research, case studies, and novel applications in all areas of our field.
This year, the conference is adopting a two-phase submission model. In phase 1, authors are invited to
submit 2-4 page abstracts. Based on the details about the results and new computational ideas
described in these abstracts, the Scientific Committee will invite the outstanding ones for presentation
at GIW XXXII / ISCB-Asia VI and for submission of full version to a journal special issue. In phase 2, when
the full versions are received, the Scientific Committee will do the thorough review of the submitted
papers as per the journal review process & timeline.


Important dates:
Abstract submission – 15 August 2023
Decision on abstracts – 1 September 2023


Submission site:


Journal special issues:
Bioinformatics Advances
NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics
Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology


Further information:
