
JSBi2013 poster award winners


JSBi2013 program committee selected 7 excellent posters and the best poster from 89 JSBi posters. Congratulations!

Best poster

Yoshihiko Hasegawa and Masanori Arita
"Circadian Clocks are Optimal for Synchronization to Daylight Cycles"

Excellent poster

1) Poster No. 4
Wataru Iwasaki, Tsukasa Fukunaga, Ryota Isagozawa, Koichiro Yamada, Yasunobu Maeda, Takashi P. Satoh, Tetsuya Sado, Kohji Mabuchi, Hirohiko Takeshima, Masaki Miya and Mutsumi Nishida
"MitoFish and MitoAnnotator: A Mitochondrial Genome Database of Fish with an Accurate and Automatic Annotation Pipeline"

2) Poster No. 16
Kaname Kojima, Naoki Nariai, Takahiro Mimori, Mamoru Takahashi, Yumi Yamaguchi-Kabata, Yukuto Sato and Masao Nagasaki
"Pedigree Caller: a statistical variant calling approach using phase informative reads and pedigree information"

3) Poster No. 20
Wei Zhang, Natsuhiro Ichinose, Takatsune Kumada and Tetsushi Yada
"Identifying Mutations Bringing de novo Gene Birth to Saccharomyces sensu stricto Genomes"

4) Poster No. 24
Ryoichi Kinoshita, Mitsuo Iwadate, Hideaki Umeyama and Y-H. Taguchi
"Genes associated with genotype-specific DNA methylation in squamous cell carcinoma as drug target candidates"

5) Poster No. 51
Sanzo Miyazawa
"Inference of Co-Evolving Site Pairs: An Excellent Predictor of Contact residue Pairs in Protein 3D Structures"

6) Poster No. 52
Kazunori Yamada and Kentaro Tomii
"Development of a novel amino acid substitution matrix for remote homology detection"

7) Poster No. 85
Sayaka Mizutani, Yousuke Noro, Masaaki Kotera and Susumu Goto
"A biclustering approach to associating adverse drug events with the patients' physiological backgrounds
