Ever wondered WHY your paper was REJECTED by an Editor?
-The Impact of Scientific Storytelling-
This seminar is part of a series entitled, "A Roadmap to Publishing Papers", where ASHBi Scientific Advisor Spyros Goulas, PhD, will be sharing his insights as a former editor at Cell Press on how to publish your work more successfully.
In this first seminar, Dr Goulas will be focusing on the function and value of the narrative, or so-called "storytelling", in a scientific paper and sharing tips/strategies on how to prepare a paper to tell your story more effectively.
ALL levels of students, researchers, and PIs are welcome!
Speaker| Spyros Goulas (PhD)/ ASHBi Scientific Advisor
(Former Scientific Editor at Cell Press/Developmental Cell)
Date| Friday, June 24 2022
Time| 16:00–17:00
Venue| Zoom Online Meeting
Language| English (Q&A will also be accepted in Japanese)
Eligibility| Students, Researchers, and PIs at all levels
Registration| https://forms.gle/FXJLSMh1LypzJbSR8
WEB Page| https://ashbi.kyoto-u.ac.jp/events/220624/
Organizers| ASHBi Research Acceleration Unit (WPI-ASHBi, Kyoto University)
Contact| ASHBi-acceleration[at]mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp
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