
Oxford Journals -
Japanese Society for Bioinformatics Prize Winners

バイオインフォマティクスに関わる研究において顕著な成果を収めた若手研究者を讃え、我が国におけるバイオインフォマティクスの発展に寄与することを目的として、Oxford University Pressの協賛のもと、Oxford Journals - Japanese Society for Bioinformatics Prizeの授与を行っています。

Oxford Journals - Japanese Society for Bioinformatics Prize (2013-)

  • 2024

    福永 津嵩

    (早稲田大学 高等研究所)


    Tsukasa Fukunaga (Waseda Institute for Advanced Study)
    “Function estimation of the function-unknown genes through RNA structural analysis and comparative genomic analysis”

  • 2023

    岩田 通夫



    Michio Iwata (Faculty of Computer Science and Systems Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology)
    “Transcriptome-based drug discovery”

  • 2022

    齋藤 裕



    Saito Yutaka (Artificial Intelligence Research Center, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)
    “Informatics for biomolecule design”

  • 2021

    尾崎 遼



    Haruka Ozaki (Faculty of Medicine, University of Tsukuba)
    “Elucidation of transcriptional regulation diversity through sequencing data analysis”

  • 2020

    大上 雅史



    Masahito Ohue (School of Computing, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
    “Exhaustive protein-protein interaction prediction”

  • 2019

    アレクシス バンデンボン



    Alexis Vandenbon (Institute for Frontier Life and Medical Sciences, Kyoto University)
    “Prediction of regulatory mechanisms of gene expression at the epigenetic, transcriptional and post-transcriptional level”

  • 2018

    岩崎 渉



    Wataru Iwasaki (Graduate School of Science, the University of Tokyo)
    “Bioinformatics on evolution and ecosystems”

  • 2017

    竹本 和広



    Kazuhiro Takemoto (Graduate School of Computer Science and Systems Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology)
    “Complex Network Biology : Theory and Its Applications”

  • 2016

    荒川 和晴



    Kazuharu Arakawa (Institute for Advanced Biosciences, Keio University)
    “Multi-omics study of the intracellular dynamics”

  • 2015

    小寺 正明



    Masaaki Kotera (School and Graduate School of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
    “Biomolecular interaction analyses and metabolic pathway prediction by the integrative chemical bioinformatics”

  • 2014

    瀬々 潤


    「生命情報解析における 統計的データマイニング手法の創出」

    Jun Sese (Computational Biology Research Center, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)
    “Research on Statistical Data-Mining Methods for Biological Data Analysis”

  • 2013

    大林 武



    Takeshi Obayashi (Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku University)
    “Development of gene function prediction platform using gene coexpression.”


Oxford Journals - Japanese Society for Bioinformatics Prize (2006-2012)

Conference: Joint Conference on Informatics in Biology, Medicine and Pharmacology

- JSBi2012
- Chem-Bio Informatics Society(CBI) Annual Meeting 2012
Authors: Tadashi Miyamoto, Soichi Ogishima, Jun Nakaya and Hiroshi Tanaka
Title: "Expression trajectories" of reprogramming and differentiation on expression potential field

Conference: JSBi2011

Authors: Ryuzo Azuma, Takuo Yasunaga
Title: Iterative Method for 3D Reconstruction of Ultrastructures in Cryo-electron Microscopy

Conference: JSBi2010

Authors: Teppei Shimamura, Seiya Imoto, Atsushi Niida, Masao Nagasaki, Rui Yamaguchi, Satoru Miyano
Title: Modulator-Dependent System Changes Unravel Cancer Heterogeneity

Conference: GIW2009/JSBi2009

Authors: Unyanee Poolsap, Yuki Kato, Tatsuya Akutsu
Title: Dynamic Programming Algorithms for RNA Structure Prediction with Binding Sites

Conference: JSBi2008

Authors: Kengo Sato, Michiaki Hamada, Toutai Mituyama, Kiyoshi Asai, Yasushi Sakakibara
Title: A Non-Parametric Bayesian Approach for Predicting RNA Secondary Structures

Conference: JSBi2007

Authors: Osamu Gotoh
Title: A Space-Efficient and Accurate Method for Mapping and Aligning cDNA or Protein Sequences onto Genomic Sequence

Conference: GIW2006

Authors: Yuka Watanabe, Nozomu Yachie, Masaru Tomita, Akio Kanai
Title: Computational Prediction of Drosophila MircoRNA Targets and Analysis of their Negative Feedback Control

Oxford University Press Bioinformatics Prize (2001-2005)

Conference: GIW2005

Authors: Hung Dinh Nguyen, Maki Yoshihama, Naoya Kenmochi
Title: A Maximum Likelihood Method for Inference of Spliceosomal Intron Evolution

Conference: GIW2004

Authors: Tomoshiro Ochiai, Jose C. Nacher, Tatsuya Akutsu
Title: Markov Property and Scale-free Organization of Gene Expression

Conference: GIW2003

Authors: Masafumi Ohtsubo, Susumu Mitsuyama, Takashi Kawamura, Nobuyoshi Shimizu, Shinsei Minoshima
Title: MutationView: An Integrated Knowledge Base for Mutations and Polymorphisms in Human Disease Genes - Automatical Extraction of Disease-Associated Knowledge -

Conference: GIW2002

Authors: Akinori Sarai, Samuel Selvaraj, Michael M. Gromiha, Joerg-Gerald Siebers, Ponraj Prabakaran, Hidetoshi Kono
Title: Target Prediction of Transcription Factors: Application of Structure-based Method to Yeast Genome

Conference: GIW2001

Authors: Katsuhisa Horimoto, Hiroyuki Toh
Title: ASIAN: Automatic System for Inferring a Network for Gene Expression Profiles
